Thursday, May 17, 2012

Great Power Diplomacy: 1814-1914 Review

Great Power Diplomacy: 1814-1914
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This is truly one of the best textbooks I have ever read and I would even recommend it for popular consumption. Rich writes very clearly and in excellent detail talks about how the great powers of Europe interacted.He covers the period from the congress of Vienna to the start of World War 1. Some of the major issues he touches upon are the Crimean war, rise of Germany and unification of Italy, Mexican American war, Spanish American war and the Balkan wars which led to World War 1. He also analyzes diplomacy during this period to understand how people like Metternich and Bismarck worked to keep the world out of war. The rush for colonization in Africa is addressed as are problems in Asia like the opium war. This is an excellent read that I cannot recommend enough.

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This survey of the foreign relations of the great powers is essentially a straightforward diplomatic history: an attempt to describe how statesmen conducted foreign policy, how they dealt with crisis situations, and how they succeeded or failed to resolve them.

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